May 2016
Church Point

What we offer
Great gardens start with great design.
We offer a complete design service from Sketch plans through to 3D renderings and council submissions. This ensures you know exactly what you are going to get and allows us to accurately cost your project. Everyday we are inspired by the projects we get to work on. In all our designs, we strive to find the perfect balance between form and function. Our goal is not only to create beautiful structures, but to improve the way we live. We are passionate about people and spaces, and we always design with functionality in mind.


What we offer
Designing and building gardens is the perfect start to a successful garden.
We love to see our gardens grow and develop as the design intended and our maintenance division take great pride in pruning and shaping your trees and shrubs to achieve the perfect outcome. We understand gardens continue to evolve and utilise our design expertise when garden improvements or modifications are required. We specialise in maintaining large gardens and offer you complete peace of mind that your lawn and gardens are in professional hands.